Change happens through movement and movement heals.

— Joseph Pilates

Jenny in Seattle on Mercer Island at a Park

About Jenny

I was an active teen, but I always had back pain. I tried chiropractic care as a kid and then in college, I did physical therapy. As an adult and mom, I tried yoga and then cranial sacral therapy. Nothing relieved my back pain and I felt like I was battling with my body. One day I ended up home alone and stuck laying on the floor for 2 hours in horrible low back pain until someone could help me get up.  My doctor suggested I try Pilates. Pilates strengthened my core and gave me the full-body strength, length, and the beautiful posture I wanted and needed. Finally, I was living a life without constant back pain. I realized even though Pilates was hard work, I felt peaceful doing it. I craved the mind-body connection just as much as I loved the physical workout. That love turned into a career and now I’m a Pilates instructor in my own home studio. The Pilates exercises didn’t come naturally, which makes me the perfect person to teach clients my ways. I break down the movments into practical and relevant concepts that people can immediately apply in the real world. I consider myself very lucky as I get to help others with low back pain or other types of physical struggles, move their body, just like someone helped me. My clients leave my studio with mind-body awareness and a stronger, more flexible, and balanced body.

I am a Balanced Body Certified Pilates Instructor.  I studied under internationally recognized and master instructor, Tom McCook, at Center of Balance in Mountain View, California.  I've been practicing pilates for 9 years and enjoy taking continuing education courses. Pilates has changed my body and my life. I move with strength, ease, and efficiency and I love the way Pilates makes me feel connected to my body. When I'm not practicing pilates or teaching it, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two kids, hiking, playing at the lake, and snuggling with my two French Bulldogs.

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About the Studio

My home studio has 5 essential pieces of Pilates equipment: the mat, spine corrector, reformer, upright tower, and the chair. I also include many different props in sessions such as the magic circle, rollers, various balls, resistance bands and more.

It’s a quiet space that allows for learning and movement while we focus on your body. All sessions are personally designed for YOU. We’ll work together on your fitness goals and wellness through conscious movement and alignment.