Urban Pilates—Mercer Island, WA

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Open up your chest - the Pilates roller work!

We sit a lot. Especially since the pandemic started as we were mostly hunkered down at home. It's okay as we were built to sit as well as stand and lay down. When we sit, many things happen in the body and one of them is that gravity starts to do its work and we end up hunched over. Our back rounds down and our shoulders roll forward. It's tough fighting gravity! So, we need to take the time, 10-15 minutes is all, to reset. We need to open up our chest, so we can go back to sitting up straighter for a while.

In comes everyone's favorite prop, the ROLLER! It's so yummy and in some positions, it is a beast. When we lay on it from head to tailbone, we open up the chest. We go from that hunched over position to a nice wide, open collarbone. We naturally become in alignment when the spine lays on the roller (just make sure you aren't arching your low back).

While we are taking the time, it is also good to put it under the hips. This allows us to strengthen our legs while we find the length (stretch). It's also good to add in some hip flexor stretches after a day of a lot of sitting. When we sit, we get tight in the front of the hip (hip flexors) and it's good to lengthen there so those muscles don't pull us forward into a slightly tilted position.

Here's a quick 15-minute roller workout for you to add to your day. It's wonderful on a daily basis to counteract sitting. However, if you feel you can only fit it in a few times a week, do it! You'll find in time, you won't need my video and you'll be able to go through all the exercises on your own, so it won't take you as long. Maybe you try it as soon as you are done with work or as soon as you put the kids to bed - however, if you can work it into your day!

Don't have a roller? No worries - roll up a towel or 2 or do the exercises without one. You can find rollers on OPTP. Here is the one I recommend:

OPTP Roller

You can buy them at a variety of places though. Please make sure you get the 3" x 36" one. Some people like them soft, others hard. Pick the one you think you would like best. I recommend the soft.

I hope you enjoy the video! I would say it is my most requested group of exercises. Please send me your questions in the comments below! I would love to help you. Tell me what you think! Did you enjoy it? Do you need something more? All my love to you! Take good care of your beautiful body! After all, it is the only one you get.
